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Hi I am a Data Science enthusiast, open for data science opportunities across the globe, below mentioned are the sectors where I have made my hands dirty- KEY TASKS- Become Statistical Consultant for key FMCG clients like P&G , Henkel, Unilever and deliver required statiscal diagnostics for client concerns- 1) Sentiment Analysis on CSAT (customer satisfaction ) data in R. 2) Topic modelling using LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) for textual data. 3) Thematic Representation of Text data using RQDA in R. 4) Clustering and Classification of text data using Naive Bayes', SVM, Random Forest. 5) Factor analysis and Discriminant Analysis on satisfaction scale of CSAT data using R and SPSS. 6) Experienced with Python R and SAS programming while doing projects on regression analysis, segmentation and classification algorithm. 7) Learned Predictive Data Analysis Techniques and Pattern Recognition. 8) Performed Poisson Regressional Analysis and Logistic Regressional Analysis 9) Trained in Machine Learning certification course from UDEMY and Business Analytics course from CONCEPTLYTICS INSTITUTE & TECHNOLOGIES 10) Experienced in R , Python, SAS, Adv. EXCEL, VBA, SQL, Core Analytics.

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