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Skye Gilbreth's Linkedin Analytics

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Skye Gilbreth

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With over 10 years of experience in analytics and data science, I have a Master of Science in Data Science from Portland State University, a Bachelor of Science in Information technology - Systems Analysis from Oregon Tech, and certifications in Radar, Reporting Workbench, and Clarity Data Model from Epic, three of the most widely used tools in the healthcare industry. My core competencies include data analysis, forecasting, performance improvement, and KPI measurement. At North Highland, I lead and contribute to multiple projects that help clients achieve their strategic goals and optimize their operations. I use various tools and techniques, such as SQL, databases, database design, and big data analytics, to develop and implement effective solutions to complex business problems. I also facilitate the Scrum framework and communicate data results to stakeholders in a clear and compelling way. Previously, I worked as a Technical Consultant for Panther Systems and a Senior Analytics Developer at Orchestra Software, where I gained valuable experience in the systems development lifecycle, Azure DevOps, SSRS, Crystal Reports, AWS, and Power BI. I am passionate about finding insights from data and delivering value to clients and organizations.

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