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Sneha Yadav

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As an Account Manager at WOW LABZ, I help startups and enterprises build and launch innovative products using cutting-edge technologies. I work closely with clients to understand their business objectives and requirements, and develop and implement account strategies and plans to achieve revenue and growth targets. I collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality solutions that meet and exceed client expectations. I am passionate about the Web3 industry and its potential to transform the world. I have over two years of experience in this domain, and I constantly explore new trends and developments to stay ahead of the curve and bring new insights to my work. I have also completed multiple certifications in related fields, such as AI, RPA, and AWS, to enhance my skills and knowledge. I hold a PGPM degree in Business Administration and Management, Marketing from School of Inspired Leadership, where I gained valuable skills and exposure in various aspects of business and management. I am a results-driven, collaborative, and innovative professional who thrives in challenging and dynamic environments. My goal is to advance the frontiers of Web3 and drive innovation and adoption through thought leadership and strategic partnerships.

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