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Sofie Birkum Petersen's Linkedin Analytics

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Sofie Birkum Petersen

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I bring a background in creative communication, B2C & B2B relations, branding strategy & marketing. I have played a pivotal role in the inception, expansion, and day-to-day operations of startups and scale-ups, demonstrating a sharp eye for branding, campaign management, relations and effective communication. As a creative strategist and adept problem solver, my core emphasis has always been on comprehending the consumer perspective and fostering collaborative relationships. Building strong connections with colleagues, customers, and partners has been at the heart of my professional journey. Armed with a Master's degree in Communication and Performance Design from Roskilde University, I bring a unique fusion of creativity and analytical thinking to the forefront. I am enthusiastic about leveraging my skills to contribute to personal and professional growth within organizations, ultimately promoting development and a positive work environment.

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