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Sonal M.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Sonal M.

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With a fusion of strategic foresight, sales acumen, and finesse in relationship-building, I specialize in amplifying channel performance and broadening market outreach across B2B and B2C sectors. As a dynamic leader, I am driven by revenue growth and the establishment of impactful partnerships, having accrued over 14 years of experience across the CPG, IT, and SaaS sectors. In my prior capacity as a Channel Partner Manager, I oversaw a diverse portfolio of channel partners and resellers spanning regions such as the US, Canada, and South Africa focused on B2B and SMB markets. Within this role, I orchestrated the sales pipeline to drive revenue growth across varied verticals including Municipality, Healthcare, Education, and Banking. I am adept at driving customer satisfaction and loyalty through proactive engagement, tailoring bespoke solutions, and crafting channel-specific go-to-market strategies. Proficient in utilizing CRM tools like Salesforce and HubSpot, I streamline workflows, manage pipelines, monitor inventory, and optimize overall performance. I am committed to delivering excellence and thrive in dynamic environments where innovation and collaboration are valued. Let's connect and explore opportunities for driving growth and achieving mutual success.

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