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Sri Harsha Kallakuri's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Sri Harsha Kallakuri

Sri Harsha Kallakuri

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A zestful, self-motivated, and goal-driven Mechanical Engineer with over 5 years of hands-on experience in product development, mechanical design, and manufacturing. Proficient in utilizing CAD software for innovative product design and adept at conducting FEA analyses. I am currently serving as a Bio-Process Design Engineer at Foxx Life Sciences, where my role involves designing and prototyping cutting-edge bioprocess products. Holding a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas Arlington, my academic focus centered on advanced design and manufacturing techniques. This foundation has been further enriched by my practical exposure, comprehensive curriculum, and successful project endeavors. My skill sets: CAD solid modelling, Finite Element Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Design for Manufacturing & Assembly, Quality Function Deployment, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, GD&T, MATLAB, and Lean Six Sigma. I have a strong desire to learn and eagerly take on new challenges, always striving to expand my horizons. Outside of engineering, I am deeply passionate about mathematics, music, arts, languages, public speaking, and growing as an individual. Please reach out to me at [email protected]. Let's discuss how my mechanical engineering skills can fit your company's needs and add value to your organization. Please checkout my portfolio at https://sites.google.com/view/sriharshakallakuri-portfolio/home

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