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35 + years in the light microscopy industry from bench microscopist in clinical and research microscopy to leading sales and product development / management for a major microscopy instrumentation company. Experience in all aspects of the light microscopy industry, from field sales, product management, new product launchs, product development, marketing and advertising, Trade shows and exhibits, Training and support, operations, service, P&L budgets, Mergers and Acquisitions, contracts and licensing and business diversification. Initiated projects in modernizing the sales process; concentrating on sales methodology and "Best Practices"; producing "Onboarding" program and advising on Nikon's Learning Management System (LMS) and e-Learning initiatives. Specialties: Future technologies as related to new systems microscopy applications and products, involving confocal, lasers, super resolution, digital imaging, detectors, automation and new optics directions. Production tools associated with e-Learning management, educational course production and sales training.

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