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Ylondia Portis

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🏆 Award Winning Marketer | Two-time AdColor Nominee | 100+ Marketing Activations/Launches | Fortune 500 ReBrand Consumer behaviors and attitudes are CONSTANTLY EVOLVING, thus generating immense uncertainty and pressure for your business to make the right marketing investments to drive growth. DID YOU KNOW (based on a recent Gartner Research report of Trends impacting CMOs): • Consumers are increasingly withholding their personal data, exacerbating challenges with analytics • Established businesses are experiencing continuous erosion of their Brand Value due to: - Expanding competition from new market entrants - Declining brand name loyalty - Increasing consideration for unfamiliar brands These disruptive marketing dynamics and shifting consumer behaviors are among the top trends impacting CMOs and Market leaders (Gartner Research). Businesses that want to grow Purchase Consideration need the right market presence that is precisely mapped to their customers' journeys, and the right content that is impactful enough to capture attention and influence consideration, all delivered in the right context. Are you missing the type of informed, cohesive, marketing communications that strategically expands brand reach and grows purchase consideration? • I work with CMOs, marketing leaders, and owners who want to lead with Strategy • I help businesses dissect themselves, the market, the consumer, and their competition • I identify new market opportunities • I use insights to model the right messaging and to produce creative that deeply resonates • I help amplify your brand value with targeted precision I have been obsessed with building authentic, meaningful consumer brand relationships for over 25 years. Data-informed insights are the clay I use to shape meaningful strategies and spark the production of impactful, creative marketing communications. During my corporate career, I quickly advanced across executive roles and held responsibilities for understanding the consumer mindset, while generating impactful and measurable outcomes. As a founder, I’ve applied this spark and rigor in forming this agency. Want to learn more? Let’s connect! Email: [email protected] Call: 734.489.2283 Schedule a strategy session: https://calendly.com/brandhrt/howwepartner

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