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Stefani McDade Morrow

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📍Equipping Mid-Level Managers and Directors to Build Member Leadership Capacity 🧭 Whether you’re a mid-level manager seeking tighter alignment between your team’s efforts to company initiatives or a director struggling to navigate your department through large-scale industry shifts, one truth remains central- the organization’s outcomes will never supersede the leadership capacity of the members within it. 🔌As a result, what it means to ‘lead’ is being redefined and reimagined to include a more expansive approach where everyone can improve their capabilities while contributing more significantly to team and broader organizational outcomes. All dimensions of leadership are hinged upon self-leadership. 🏆 There are only two ways to improve any organization: one way is to get new people, and the other is to improve the people already in it. The latter is probably your best bet! DID YOU KNOW? 📌Leadership training empowers employees, fosters a positive workplace culture, enhances skills, and prepares individuals for current and future leadership roles, all of which contribute to the overall success and adaptability of the organization. 💰Effective leadership influences strategy, operations, culture, and decision-making, all of which can impact the financial performance of the organization. 🔑Investing in each member of your organization's capacity to lead, individually and collectively, at high levels is the fastest (and only) route toward the pot of gold. Sorry, shortcuts won't work! We work with leaders to curate learning experiences for members that: ✅improve performance ✅enhance productivity ✅increase morale ✅elevate engagement 📚 With 25+ years of experience in education and consulting with leaders to support improvement efforts and manage change, I bring a unique perspective and understanding to this work. 🎤As a speaker and trainer, I embody an approach to connecting with audiences grounded in reflection, authenticity, and transparency. 🎯Combining our highly customizable professional learning solutions with your team’s effort to support the organization’s overarching goals creates a backdrop for us to create a member experience that is relevant, timely, and meaningful. 🏁Organizations fed up with ‘one and done’ improvement efforts connect with us when they're ready to customize a comprehensive solution, including asynchronous and synchronous installments of: ✅Interactive Assessments ✅Workshop Facilitation ✅1:1 and Group Coaching ✅Executive Coaching ✅Keynote Presentations Email today at [email protected] to learn more!

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