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Stephanie Scheller's Linkedin Analytics

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Stephanie Scheller

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My goal is to create a world where ADHD entrepreneurs thrive personally AND professionally. I tackle this from two directions: 1) As the event experience designer for Grow Disrupt, I design and produce multi-sensory "Grow Your Business" events for ADHD entrepreneurs. I leverage my knowledge of psychology and neuroscience to create an experience that is built for how the ADHD brain processes information. This allows our guests to understand and implement what they learn about how to grow their business, WITHOUT having to buy a five-figure support package after the event. 2) When I doubled my events company in size during a global pandemic in addition to never cancelling a single ticketed event, ran ONLY profitable events, and achieved sell-out status in a time when most of my world was crumbling, I started getting a LOT of questions. Now, I also help other small business owners (particularly those with ADHD) figure out how to create marketing that works for small business budgets, and goes beyond social media. I’m obsessed with psychology and the violin to help make things easier to learn and make intangible concepts (Like marketing foundations) make more sense! When that happens, we generate real results and leave an impact that changes the world!

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