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Stephan Roider

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We acquire, defend and enforce patents, trademarks and designs for small and medium-sized companies as well as young businesses, startups and large firms. Working focus: all aspects of obtaining, defending, enforcing and licensing patents, oppositions, appeals, nullity suits, validity and infringement opinions, IP (intellectual property) due diligence. Technical focus: general mechanics, general mechanical engineering, plastics machinery, rubber machinery, medical engineering, physics, optics, optical systems, image capture and processing, 3D imaging, lens technology, imaging systems, camera systems, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, aerospace engineering, automotive engineering, life science engineering, implants, electrical engineering, e-mobility, battery technology, fuel cells, hybrid technology, green technology, opto-electronic, artificial intelligence, software, computer implementation, simulations, interconnection technology, printed circuit boards, semiconductor technology as well as information, satellite and telecommunication technology. Entrepreneurial spirit and ventures: I'm also active in startups as investor and mentor with entrepreneurial spirit and venture capital.

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