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Stephen Johnson's Linkedin Analytics

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Stephen Johnson

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With over 20 years of experience in the computer and network security industry, I am a passionate, loyal, and high-energy VP of Sales at Entro Security, a revolutionary security platform that offers end-to-end protection for secrets and programmatic access to cloud services and data. My mission is to help companies regain control and management of their secrets, while ensuring uncompromised security and compliance. As a former security engineer, channel manager, and head of emerging products, I have a unique combination of technical, business, and leadership skills that enable me to drive sales and security excellence at Entro Security. I work collaboratively with both internal and external resources to achieve maximum results, communicate effectively with channel partners, executive management, and excel at developing and executing strategic plans and initiatives. I am also a believer in the Oxford comma and a lifelong learner of new technologies and trends in the cybersecurity space.

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