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Kisoro Community Volunteers association has since 2004 diligently developed its reputation for delivering good quality projects through our affiliated partners, extensive market research with its target communities and building strong partnership with community based organizations, institutions and schools. Professional delivery on community projects, the ability to identify market sectors with potential opportunities for raising revenues and a firm commitment to empowering these people to see themselves as part of the solution to social problems facing these communities. In turn the Kisoro community volunteers association has provided internship opportunities and other experts’ opportunities to volunteers’. In all, we believe in empowering people increasing their capacity to do what they have determined important for their future. Specialties: Sustainable development programmes are meant to improve people’s living conditions through education, research, healthcare, community sensitization, community development work, nature and Environmental conservation, Food and Agriculture and nature resource management by sensitizing our communities through the above programmes. And by empowering people, increasing their capacity to do which they have determined is important for their future

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