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Stuart Lewis-Smith

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An online gaming veteran, experienced mobile executive, entrepreneur and investor with multiple exits, Stuart is the founder and CEO of Live Play Mobile which sits at the intersection between social gaming, live streaming and TV broadcasting, recently acquired by Tripledot Studios following their $116M Series B at a $1.4B valuation. Stuart was part of the executive leadership team at GSN Games (wholly owned subsidiary of Sony) where he held the position of Senior Vice President and General Manager overseeing the social casino vertical. Stuart served as CEO at Idle Games Inc, a disruptive social casino mobile games developer and he led the company through its acquisition by Sony Pictures Entertainment. He has previously held senior and executive positions at leading online gambling companies, including PartyGaming, the world’s largest publicly traded online gaming company at the time. He has spent two decades managing mobile social and iGaming companies and has launched and operated a number of gaming brands and mobile products. Stuart also spent five years heading the internet business of music and entertainment company Ministry of Sound.

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