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Hey there! šŸ‘‹ Glad you're here, and I'm excited to share some things that go beyond my LinkedIn profile. I'm a risk-taker who challenges norms and pursues my dreams relentlessly. As someone from a background where education was a privilege, I've always aspired to be a patriotic scientist, serving my nation. Along the way, I've discovered gaps in the education system and the need for greater awareness, especially in India. Here's a snapshot of my journey and leadership: šŸŒŸ Full scholarship holder from Class 10 to PhD. šŸŒŸ Crowdfunded educational travel three times, attending prestigious events. šŸŒŸ Built thriving communities for IIT and non-IIT students, helping 2000 individuals find jobs. šŸŒŸ Appointed as a #MentorOfChange by Atal Innovation Mission. šŸŒŸ Turned down job offers and chose research, receiving PhD offers. šŸŒŸ Published papers and book chapters in Geosciences, solving Indian Shale problems. šŸŒŸ Mentored over 3000 students in study abroad before launching ForeignAdmits. šŸŒŸ Built and grew ForeignAdmits.com, impacting 25,000+ students, securing funding from angels to VCs. šŸŒŸ Identified industry problems and transformed the company from B2C to B2B, onboarding 400+ companies. šŸŒŸ Currently mentoring startups in EdTech and study abroad space. šŸŒŸ Successfully balancing life as an ambitious entrepreneur and a responsible husband. My ultimate goal is to empower 100 million students worldwide to access quality education by enabling 1 million counselors globally. I'm passionate about making a difference, and I'd love to connect with you. Reach out to me at [email protected] or book a meeting at topmate.io/studyabroadmentor. Cheers!

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