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One of IndiaBegin's first client sent me an Albert Einstein quote in which Albert described himself as having the "energy of enthusiasm". The client told me my thirst for knowledge and ferocity to get going at everything reminded him of this term. I'd also like to think he was likening me to Einstein. Hi! I'm Sudha and I am enthusiastically energetic. I always thought I am poised to have a glorifying corporate career, sitting in my corner office and in multiple board rooms as always > the only man in the room. It seemed like an appropriate goal given my B.Tech in Power Engineering and PGDBM (MBA) in Marketing. I gravitated towards Strategic Communication doing Government Regulatory Legal work, Large Infrastructure Project Management, Sales + Tech. But having done all of this & more for over 10 years, I just kind of felt meh. I yearned to learn more, yearned to create more. And that's when it happened; I got mentored into bringing Rockstar global brands sprinkled over world-class lifestyle categories (Skin | Fashion | Gourmet) to INDIA. Since then, I can't get enough. I've made a business out of doing this > aptly named #IndiaBegin. I cut out the chaos from luxury retail in India by going for Strategic Partnerships with the TATA Group and now the Adanis. Also, I import the brand portfolio myself. Building Experience Lounges and other assets such as Golf Tournaments. This calls to all my strengths, it incorporates interacting with new people, converting them (making a sale happen), creativity and problem-solving. And I'm allowed to disrupt and overhaul the existing ways of doing business in India. Using my Tech skills, an App (InBE App) is being coded > to democratise India market entry > super simple for Brands to retail in India and even more so for Indian Retailers to have access to imported brands on their finger-tips. Besides growing exotic mushrooms and agreeing with SpaceX that humans can play tennis on Mars, I like to make movies. I write. As a #MoonshotThinker, I can’t help myself but build a disruptive technology breakthrough for children of parents with Mental Health disorders (diagnosed or otherwise). Deep dive anyone? Let’s GO!

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