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With over 18 years of experience in software engineering and project management, I lead and coordinate multiple software development projects at Softech Systems, a leading software company in Pakistan. I ensure that the projects meet the client's requirements, budget, and timeline, and that they are delivered with high standards of quality and performance. I collaborate with the system analysts, software engineers, and quality assurance teams to design, develop, test, and deploy software applications using .NET 4.x,. NET Core , MVC and databases in MySQL,Oracle and SQL Server. I also apply my MBA and MSc in Software Engineering degrees to communicate effectively with the stakeholders and the senior management, and to integrate business and technical knowledge to the projects. My mission is to create innovative and impactful software products that can improve the lives of people and the performance of organizations. I am always eager to learn new technologies and methodologies, and to share my insights and best practices with my colleagues and peers. I value teamwork, diversity, and excellence, and I look forward to contributing to the success and growth of my organization and its clients.

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