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Syed is a recognized management consultant with a particular focus on corporate security, governance matters and behavioral science . Before that he spent more than 50+ years in Europe, Middle East and North American banking, finance, securities, and cyber security field with extensive experience in corporate finance, trade and economic intelligence regulatory issues. Syed is an accomplished business and economic intelligence analyst who worked in conjunction with the bank’s operating units to ensure that the daily on-the-ground AML activities are performed in adherence to global sector regulations, and institutional KYC policies and guidelines. Syed is proficient at trading insights and research on cyber security issues with business owners to prevent cyber-attacks and security breach incidents while helping entrepreneurs build collaborative leadership skills based on referral partnerships that focus on integrated business development, and marketing strategy. Syed is well-versed in Corporate Ethics, Directors & Senior Officers (PDO) from the CSI, Certified Professional Consultant to Management (CPCM), Managerial Finance, Banking & Securities Law, Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, Chartered Bankruptcy Analysis (CBA), Anti-Money Laundering, Forensic Accounting & Fraud Examination (FAFE). Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF), NPO Governance Methodology, Relationship Management (CRM), International Cybercrime & Cyber Security, and International Criminal and Humanitarian Law. Pursuing the CIA designation. Syed has helped over 3,500 debt-ridden businesses and families in Canada in the last 17 years in matters of insolvency, restructuring proceedings, and in consumer proposals including attending at bankruptcy court in discharge related matters while establishing collaborative relationships with lawyers and credit counsellors, Syed has been a Commissioner of Oath for Taking Affidavits by Ministry of Attorney General, Ontario, and Alberta in the last 31 years.

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