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Talal Abulshamat's Linkedin Analytics

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Imagine waking up to a dashboard loaded with sales, and an increased revenue Sounds pretty good, right? but sadly…this is not your reality I know it’s scary to look at your sales dashboard! As, an eCommerce brand owner, it’s hard for you: → “To look at your constant sales” → “Try everything out yourself and still fail” → “To hire different people each new month for marketing ” → “To spend another dollar on a new marketing member” Because even though you are getting visitors, ↳ They aren’t converting enough Even though you are running ads and email marketing ↳ You are not able to scale to the goal you want to Even though you hired agencies and freelancers to help ↳ It is not the growth strategy that you seek So, now you are stressed out and want a solution to it! Do you know the best part? “It is possible to scale your brand, keeping your ROAS intact! For that, you don’t need to spend tons of hours yourself For that, you don’t need to miss your family functions Because, it is easily attainable through Creative advertising and targeted email marketing, as we have made it possible for our past clients! 1. Blackout made 15 million in 2024 3. Sweet Apolita reached 1 million this year! 2. Mechanic Superstore will reach 9 million in 2024 4. Backgammon Galaxy will increase 25% from last year So, you can also get similar results for your brand! Want to know our process to make it tangible for you? Shoot me a DM with “ECOM” and I’ll tell you how. BONUS: “We don’t work like those low-efficient agencies that cost you time and are still not able to drive the desired results for you, as we shift your eyes from the revenue analytics to your product by taking care of the marketing part”

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