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Tanvi Goenka's Linkedin Analytics

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Tanvi Goenka

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Hey! I'm Tanvi, one of the minds behind Apna Funda. I'm on a mission to help bridge the gap between businesses and the game-changing world of AI. With each day bringing a new disruption in the AI space, it can get confusing and complicated to make much sense out of it. At Apna Funda, we aim to democratise access to AI knowledge, making it accessible, understandable, and actionable. To stay ahead, you need to be informed. I talk about the latest in AI applications, tools, news, deep dives, and fun use cases to make it simple and actionable for you. Follow my LinkedIn page to stay updated and let’s embark on this journey together. 👥 If you're curious about AI's potential in your marketing strategies or want a more tailored approach to understanding, I'm here to help. Book a 1:1 call with me, and let's explore how AI can shape your marketing future - https://topmate.io/apnafunda/569217 You can also reach me on: 💬 LinkedIn DM ✉ [email protected]

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