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Tara Kochhar

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12 hours spent researching your next startup. You missed dinner with your partner for the 2nd time this week. You're anxious and stuck in traffic day in day out. You wish you could just start that business or side project. And get that income, identity, status up. So you can experience freedom. You walk into the office. 12 missed calls. 3 triple bookings. 182 unread emails. You gasp. If only you: - Could start and launch your business in 100 days - Have a direct path on how to get there - Have more free time for yourself and family How much better would life be? Now, you're in luck. This is where I come in. Hi, 👋 I'm Tara. I am a builder. Over the 10 yrs, I have built and scaled 4 consumer brands in different niches - home decor, gourmet food, beauty and footwear. 2 of my brands are award winning. Today I help senior corporate leaders and entrepreneurs validate passion fuelled ideas, build and scale new businesses into high-growth companies. When I coach startup founders, I teach them my proven system on how to identify profitable business ideas, build high-performing products, how to go to market the new way, the importance of having a relentless focus on the customer, the team, speed, execution, brand & culture. I am just getting started 🔥 If you want to work with me, book in a discovery call. Link in my featured section. See you at the top:)

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