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Tatiana Liperti's Linkedin Analytics

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Tatiana Liperti

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You are in shipping, and you want to take your LinkedIn to the next level, but not sure how? For some of you, LinkedIn is like “navigating a vessel in fog with a broken radar” (don’t be impressed, this is how my friend Paul defined LinkedIn for maritime folks, not me). The truth is that most maritime business owners agree that LinkedIn presence is CRUCIAL to their businesses. This is THE social media platform where you connect with your existing clients, expand your network, get new business opportunities and become known in shipping circles. But unfortunately, what they do is: → Overthink what others will say before they even start → Imagine what kind of posts would perform well → Struggle to find time in their busy schedule to write → Copy/paste from others as they don’t know how to write posts → Postpone publishing of their first post until “next Monday” Imagine yourself and your business one year from now. What would happen if you changed NOTHING? Crickets... Missed opportunities while your competitors are all over your LinkedIn feed and in front of YOUR customers' eyes. But…. what can happen if you START working on your LinkedIn profile: →You can increase visibility and brand awareness for your business →You can grow your network of potential customers & partners →You can put your business on the radar →You can become known to your industry peers (even as an authority or though leader) →You can attract new business opportunities →You can recruit top talent eager to work for you So, how can I help you? 👉🏼 I can optimize your LinkedIn profile for success (we are not building anything until we build the foundation: Headline, strapline, about section, CTA etc) 👉🏼I will create your LinkedIn content strategy for you and your business. 👉🏼 I will write the posts for you (so that you don’t have to) 👉🏼 Guide you how to post & engage (commenting and connecting strategy is the secret spice) Why me? I am working for more than 2 decades in the maritime industry. I speak “your” language and understand your daily ops. I have also completed marketing, personal branding, and copywriting courses, and I am driven to grow your authority on LinkedIn. Ah, my own content on LinkedIn generated 2 million+ views in the last year and I 8 x visibility for one of my clients in the last year. What about you? Do you want to take your LinkedIn to the next level? ✅ DM me with the secret code “sail or sink”. Shhhhhhh.... Let’s chat.

Check out Tatiana Liperti's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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