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Tatiane Guedes

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Thrilled to share a much-anticipated update on my professional journey! After decades of diverse experiences and personal growth, I'm excited to unveil the depth and breadth of my transformative path. From excelling as a people's person and business owner to navigating roles as an Operation Manager and immersing myself in the SAAS and tech landscape, my expertise has evolved significantly. In my recent roles, I had the privilege of not only exploring the intricacies of the SAAS and tech world but also spearheading data extraction and exploratory initiatives. This hands-on experience allowed me to contribute to projects in stages of discovery and refinement, deepening my passion for the technology sector. But here's the latest twist—I've recently innovated my skill set by going back to UT and earning a Master's degree in Data Science. This investment adds a powerful layer to what's to come. Armed with decades of learning, adaptation, and now, the latest in Data Science, I'm uniquely qualified and poised to bring a fresh perspective and a wealth of experiences to new opportunities. At this pivotal juncture, I'm embracing a new chapter that harmonizes my rich background, recent data-focused roles, and forward-looking approach. Today's message isn't just about past achievements but also about my commitment to continuous growth and innovation. I'm now ready to connect, engage, and contribute to new outcomes. Now, share what excites you most about your own new journey! Let's connect and explore the possibilities that lie ahead. Looking forward to hearing your stories and insights as we embark on these exciting next phases of our journeys together!

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