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Taylor Donner

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I’m a passionate and relationship-driven leader on a mission to bring value, meaning, and safety to technology consumers. I use empathy, creativity, and a results-driven north star to drive the vision, strategy, and execution of new customer experiences. I have over 10 years of experience in tech and strategy, with a focus on AI, AIOps, Privacy, and enterprise management solutions. As a Staff Product Manager at Unstructured.io, I own the vision, strategy, execution, and delivery of the company’s enterprise platform for preprocessing data for LLM pipelines. My journey into tech began in an unexpected place: a high school math classroom in the Mississippi Delta. There, I saw how basic self-built tools dramatically improved classroom outcomes when student scores doubled expected benchmarks. This spark led me to dive headfirst into the tech world, where I’ve had the privilege of working with a breadth of early-stage startups and some of the most innovative companies in the world. I hold an BA in Economics from Wake Forest University and earned an MBA from Duke University, where I focused on strategy and product management. During my time at Duke, I also served as Student Body Co-President, allowing me to experiment and develop my authentic leadership style. When I’m not thinking about how to solve problems using technology, you can find me spending time with my family, investing in early-stage companies, chasing scratch on the golf course, enjoying yoga, practicing mindfulness, playing in the ocean, reading non-fiction, or streaming content that most would consider a guilty pleasure (just to balance out the mindfulness stuff). Let’s connect and explore how we can make technology meaningful for everyone!

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