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🏍️ Ted (Tadeusz) Korzeniewski's Linkedin Analytics

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🏍️ Ted (Tadeusz) Korzeniewski

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Experienced BDM and IT Project Analyst | Expert in Big Data Services | Strategic Thinker 🔹 About Me: Experienced Business Development Manager and IT Project Analyst with a proven track record in steering software engineering projects. My expertise lies in crafting bespoke tools and platforms, and consulting on application and system development projects. With a passion for technology and a keen eye for market trends, I excel in designing and implementing growth strategies, conducting in-depth market research, and forging high-level partnerships. 🔹 Specialties: Business Development Strategies IT Project Analysis and Implementation Big Data Services and Solutions DevOps consultations Market Research and Strategic Planning Stakeholder Engagement and Relationship Management Application and System Development Consultation 🔹 Professional Journey: Throughout my tenures at Applover.com, Digiteum.com and now eConsulting.co, I've elaborated comprehensive business development plans, built and maintained high-level client relationships, and successfully negotiated with stakeholders. I specialize in preparing detailed proposals, conducting financial projections, and recommending innovative solutions to enhance clients' applications. My focus on the intersection of technology and business empowers me to drive results and create meaningful impacts. 🔹 Passionate Hobbies: Beyond my professional endeavors, I find joy in historical European martial arts (HEMA), tabletop wargaming, and playing the bass guitar (my band just started out, but we're ready for the Rock-alypse!). These interests reflect my dedication to continuous learning, discipline, and creativity, qualities I bring into my professional life. Let's connect and explore collaboration opportunities. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in leveraging technology for business growth or discussing mutual interests.

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