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“Dumping small business accounts for no reason. Just a letter and you’re done, scrambling to find another payment processor…” “Their customer service is poor, no phone support and live chat is completely pointless! No help, you are on your own. SO many false promises.” “I processed a card for $95 and ended up with $42!” These are just a few scenarios. Now imagine this happening to you… You receive an email stating that your merchant account is in violation and will be shut down. 😫 After lots of back and forth, they agree that you are NOT in violation. Fast forward a week later and you receive another email. Without any specific details, they inform you that they are shutting down your account… and to top it off they put a hold on your money! Since your account is locked, you cannot contact online support. So you decide to call the 1-800 number, only to get a bad voice recording that says no one is available to take your call and you should LOGIN TO GET SUPPORT⁉️‼️ Your left eye starts to twitch. Emotions surge. Now you are: *irritated *angry 🤬 *left with no money 💵 *and no merchant account. What do you do now? The truth is most companies 100% agree that accepting credit cards is CRUCIAL to their business. But unfortunately, when they look for a payment processor, they: ❌Choose the first “popular” one that pops up on Google ❌Don’t shop around for the best rates ❌Think they are getting a good deal because they get a “free” card reader ❌Assume they are acquiring an actual merchant account Why is this happening? Simply put, you just didn’t know any better! What you actually need is your own PERSONAL Merchant Account Manager who: Understands the CUSTOMIZED processing needs for YOUR business. Uses a PROACTIVE approach to credit card processing. Knows the FEES & RATE PLANS offered by merchant banks. Has a TEAM of experts CAPABLE of handling all your questions and concerns. Can COMMUNICATE the above so that everyone can easily understand. “ I already have a payment processor Terrina.…I use [INSERT DEFAULT]” I know, I hear this all the time. And that’s ok. I get it. I believe you should NEVER trust a complete stranger without a good reason or PROOF. Especially not in business. That’s why I FIRST offer a FREE Cost Saving Analysis, to show you the possible cash savings. Are you ready to discover exactly where your money goes, how to maximize savings while minimizing fees? Let’s make it happen. Shoot me a text (443) 475-7441, or email me at [email protected] WOSB|MBE|WBE|SDB

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