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Jason Thatcher 's Linkedin Analytics

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With a career marked by strategic leadership and a proven track record in the fields of security, product management, and program management, I am dedicated to driving excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. I possess extensive cross-functional expertise, not limited to IT systems, but spanning the entire spectrum of business requirements, including finance, service delivery, forecasting, security, client relations, marketing, and sales. My journey as a motivational leader and mentor has equipped me with exceptional client management skills, enabling me to navigate complex challenges and deliver results consistently. My areas of specialization encompass IT Service Management (ITSM), Managed Detection and Response (MDR), Implementation and Onboarding, Strategic Technology Planning, Software Development, Leadership, Cybersecurity, Quality Assurance & Vendor Management, Risk Assessment & Mitigation, SaaS Customer Support, IT Operations, SOAR, SIEM, SOC, and Managed Security Services.

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