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Ali Hasan

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You are struggling to attract, and convert clients into paying customers. Imagine waking up to an inbox full of people wanting to work with you. Let's face it, you poured your heart and soul into your work. You deserve a return on that investment. And guess what? You're likely: - Struggling with zero leads. - Wasting time on fruitless cold outreach. - Don't have time to scale your content efforts. That's where I come in...👇 I help founders, and businesses get clients seamlessly on LinkedIn and beyond using branding → content → copy → sales. There are 3 ways I can help you get clients through LinkedIn and beyond: 1. Coaching (1:1) 2. I work with you on your branding, content, and sales. 3. I do it ALL for you.(DFY) - branding → content → sales Alex, CEO - "Achieved half a year's growth in just two months." Samantha, Founder - " Increase in six-figure prospects, securing 3 new clients within a quarter." Send me a DM and let's fix the conversion problem for you once and for all! __ Head over to the featured section to book a 1:1 FREE consultation call. Email: [email protected] Or DM me on LinkedIn

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