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Hey, Amazing Fellow Humans! Hope you enjoy reading about a born creative writer struggling with various professional endeavours until she landed like a butterfly upon the flower she was meant to derive sustenance from! :) Once upon a time, a young couple was blessed with a baby girl in the early nineties. They raised me with love, warmth and care and all the resources they could gather. My mother saw the sparkle in my eyes and knew that I wouldn't be happy with the mundane, the routine and the rigmarole of daily life. She helped me nurture my fledgling wings with all her efforts and motherly care. My father and teachers nourished my love for the language and riotous imagination with encouragement, tough love and the freedom to explore my own skies! I went through various ups and downs both in the personal and professional sphere. In moments of turmoil and happiness, I used to dig out my leather journal and scribble pieces of prose and poetry that seemed to pour through the caverns of my sub-conscience. I tried working as a Primary Teacher in DPS Panipat City for a year and a half but soon realized that my passion lay elsewhere. My friend & mentor, Mrs Vinita Thakur was kind enough to show me the mirror and tell me that a fish can not be judged by its ability to climb a tree! Two memos and an almost burned-down hostel later I submitted my resignation and walked out of the gates of my alma mater with mixed feelings. A Dipsite is never a failure, we are instilled with the motto of Service Before Self, and that lives on with me to date. I may have blundered, stumbled and made embarrassing mistakes that I now look upon and laugh at, but I have realized that those decisions and errors have just made me more human, more relateable and more me! Circa 2019, May, I joined ranks with in Chattarpur New Delhi, where my love for creative writing was met with equal gusto and appreciation under the kind mentorship of Aman Hans, a kindred soul with a love for all things quirky! 2022 ~ I am now a full-fledged creative freelance writer, with a heart that beats for chonky dogs, beautiful art, cultural richness and basically all things quirky. With a published book on the shelves of, TheMilllennialRumi is committed to serve y'all with the best-in-class creative content, :) I write from the heart and bear no grudges! Come let's connect over a virtual cup of coffee, or shoot me a DM if you want freshly brewed content for yourself! Much Love Amigos Semper Fi Naina ~ The Writer aka TheMillennialRumi
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