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Thibault Mundele's Linkedin Analytics

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Thibault Mundele

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I fell in love with e-commerce and digital marketing back in 2015 when I took the entrepreneurial plunge, launching my very own Amazon FBA product. Since that pivotal moment, my journey has been nothing but growth, both in knowledge and experience, across a multitude of projects I've either pioneered or played a key role in. Now, as the CEO of a leading digital marketing company, I channel that passion and expertise into crafting digital success stories for DTC brands and online coaches. Our core specializations include Facebook, Google, and TikTok advertising. 🔹 **Experience**: Have overseen and managed over $2,000,000 in ad spend over the last 2 years. 🔹 **Leadership**: Steering diverse teams, I adeptly navigate from ideating creative strategies to hands-on campaign management. 🔹 **Philosophy**: In the ever-changing digital landscape, adaptability is key. Each campaign I undertake is not just about the metrics, but the narrative behind it and the emotion it brings. Helping brands translate their dreams into tangible results is more than a job; it's a calling. Let's connect and create your story!

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