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Thijmen Claessens

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Are you an ecommerce founder tired of hitting revenue plateaus? Struggling with profitability, even with a good ROAS? I specialize in helping ecommerce businesses break through those bottlenecks to bounce back in the scaling phase โ€”with more profit. ๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi there, I'm Thijmen, ex-founder of a lingerie brand and E-commerce Growth Consultant for high 6 and 7-Figure Businesses. To breakthrough your growth plateau it is vital to first fully understand and isolate your bottleneck. I'll help you with this with a free of charge Growth Map for high 6 and 7-Figure eCommerce Businesses. In 10 days you exactly know what prevents you from profitabel scale your business again. And, if your business is ready for scaling, I might offer you to work together to achieve this by taking over your social media ad accounts to optimize your ads on profit instead of ROAS and 1-on-1 calls to fix your bottleneck. ๐Ÿ“† Book a Discovery Call Today! Ready to scale your high 6 or 7-figure ecommerce business with more profit? Let's talk. Book a free discovery call to apply for your custom growth map. ๐Ÿ‘‡ Curious what insight you can expect after receiving the free of charge Growth Map? What fellow eCommerce entrepreneurs discovered after receiving their growth Map: Entrepreneur A: Realized his business was bleeding money despite a ROAS of 2.2. After implementing my advice, he found a new supplier, slashing his product costs by 90%, without sacrificing quality. ๐Ÿ“‰ Entrepreneur B: Discovered his above benchmark profit percentage were actually hindering scaling efforts. By reallocating funds to staff, his profit margin shrunk from 35% to 25%, but the overall profit in โ‚ฌ increased by 50% within 2 months. Generating him more profit than before! ๐Ÿ“ˆ Entrepreneur C: Was on the verge of bankruptcy due to a miscalculated new collection. My growth map revealed the need to cut fixed costs. She acted swiftly and saved her business from going under.

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