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Email: [email protected] Phone: +33 6 51 17 60 95 ESCP Student, MSc in Big Data and Business Analytics. Graduated Engineer from ESILV (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci), specialized in Actuarial Science. Computer Skills: Office Suite / SQL / R / Python / VBA / Tableau. Seeking Data Analyst Internship - Available July-September 2024 Currently pursuing an MSc in Big Data & Business Analytics at ESCP, I am actively seeking a 6-month internship as a data analyst, preferably in the Paris area. With an engineering background and expertise in programming (R, Python, SQL, Excel) as well as data visualization (Tableau), I am eager to explore new sectors, especially multimedia and agri-food, while remaining open to other fields. I am looking for roles involving data handling, dashboard creation for generating business insights, and projects in predictive analysis. Interested in companies of all sizes that offer varied opportunities and a good balance of independence and guidance to enhance my professional skills.

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