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Tom Oliphant

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Meet Thomas Oliphant - an award-winning, passionate, and innovative educator with over a decade of experience in advanced technologies education. Thomas has dedicated his career to promoting problem-based learning and exposing his students to emerging technologies and future pathways in the field of STEM. With a Bachelor of Industrial Design and a Master of Education under his belt, Thomas takes pride in providing authentic learning experiences that inspire and challenge his students. His specialisation in robotics, programming, and developing enterprise connections has earned him a well-deserved spot on the educator hot list. Thomas's commitment to promoting innovative learning experiences is renowned, and he has been recognised for his passion and dedication to education. He has used his extensive background to develop engaging learning programs that foster the skills and independence needed to thrive in a technological and entrepreneurial future. As a mentor to both teachers and undergraduate teachers, Thomas has shared his expertise in leadership positions, promoting problem-based learning and pushing learners to develop their skills. His dedication and commitment to excellence have earned him numerous awards, cementing his status as a leading figure in advanced technologies education. Specialties; Robotics (VEX IQ, V5, EDR, EV3), Drones, Programming (Python, C++), App/UX/UI Development, Graphic Design, Advanced Technologies including CAD/CAM, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and CNC Milling and CNC Waterjet. Developing knowledge within AI, Web3, AR/VR/XR. And have developed curriculum within; ACARA Digital Technology and Design and Technology, IB PYP/MYP and SACE. Recent Recognitions The Educator Hotlist 2022 South Australian STEMM Educator of the Year Finalist 2021 The Educator Hotlist 2021 VEX Robotics Australian Teacher of the Year 2021 South Australian STEMM Educator of the Year Finalist 2020 EdTechSA Leading Light Award Winner 2020

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