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Tommy Walsh's Linkedin Analytics

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Tommy Walsh

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At Blue Streak Marketing, we help service-based businesses to generate qualified leads for as little as £0.15 per lead ⭐️ Our mission is to inspire fearlessness in our clients by creating straightforward and profitable marketing solutions that captivate their target market and allow excellent business to flourish. 🏆 So far for one client, we’ve sent them 1,442 enquiries since the start of September at £2.35 cost-per-result 🚀 Small businesses also have a seat at the table with us 👉🏻 a local window cleaner has received 603 enquiries with us so far in 2023, resulting in an additional €34K+ in revenue & allowing the team to expand with 2 more members of staff! We’re incredibly achievement-oriented, and we value working with motivated businesses who share our enthusiasm for results ⭐️ Our full range of services include adhoc approaches and retainer packages for: 📊 Social media management 📢 Social media advertising ♟️ Social media marketing strategies 🤝 Social media consultancy services We handle absolutely everything, so that all you need to worry about is keeping your new clients happy! ✅ If you’d like to attract more clients, email me today at: [email protected] 📧

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