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Thomas Tessari

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While agencies & freelancers go right to get average results, I go left to get amazing results. Most agencies won't get you results because they're using the same tired tactics, and charging you an arm & a leg to do so. They're testing broad audiences, targeting oversaturated audiences with high CPMs, using salesy copy, and depending on you to provide them with crazy offers just to get average results. I focus on finding niche audiences with lower CPMs and lower ad competition through rigorous testing to get you a higher ROAS. Strong targeting alone won't get you great results if your messaging doesn't resonate with your audience. I understand the fundamentals of writing slick copy that grips people to take action to click on your ad. Getting traffic to your store is great but means nothing if you can't get it to convert. I provide you with an actionable plan that will help increase conversions & AOV through proven CRO techniques. I'm so confident my system will work for you that if you don't get a 3x return within 60 days I will fully refund you! Being just one person I can only work with a small number of people at the same time and some brands just won't make the cut. I can't determine what your brand needs if I don't know what you're currently doing. To better help you I have several free services to see where your brand is at and areas that can be improved. 🔘Ad Audit: Deep dive into your ad structure to see any areas that can be improved with actionable suggestions 🔘CRO Health Score: An analysis of your store to help increase your conversions *good conversion rate is 3%, you should be aiming for a minimum of 5% 🔘Brand Ad Foundational Assessment: Some brands just aren't at the level to run ads yet. I will provide you with an assessment of whether you're at that level and if not actionable steps to get you there.

Check out Thomas Tessari's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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