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Usama Bin Yasir

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"Usama and his team helped get our ads running better than I thought possible" Hi, I'm Usama Bin Yasir, A Facebook and TikTok Ads Expert, have managed $3M+ in Facebook Ads and Tiktok Ads As a FB Advertising Expert, I have successfully been helping Businesses of all types and sizes for years. I've worked with Digital Businesses in the E-commerce space to Cleaning Businesses, many of which are 6, 7, and even 8-figure businesses. I have run hundreds of successful Lead Generation campaigns, Conversion campaigns, and Engagement campaigns. –– What makes me different? –– I am NOT just a Freelancer. I operate on a hybrid model that allows me to devote time, attention and strategy toward each client I work with while running my business with fine-tuned systems and resources. This gives me the ability to maximize my efficiency and effectiveness with delivery. If you're looking for strategy and results in your business, you're in the right place! From personal experience, Facebook ads is one of the most effective ways to build, scale and retain solid growth within any business. Whether you sell physical products online, rely on customers to visit a physical business location, or just want more leads in your pipeline, there's no better way to accomplish this. ✅ Industries I Have Run Facebook Ads and/or Run Social Media Campaigns For: - Janitorial Academy Businesses - E-Commerce Brands - Cleaning Companies - Coaches ✅ Types Of Campaigns I Handle: - Conversion Campaigns - Lead Generation Campaigns - Engagement Campaigns ✅My Expertise Includes: - Researching Facebook & Tiktok Ad Creatives - Crafting Facebook & Tiktok Ad Copy - Launching Facebook & Tiktok Ad Campaigns - Optimizing Facebook & Tiktok Ad Campaigns - Scaling Facebook & Tiktok Ad Campaigns - Conducting Market Research - Building Effective Sales Funnels ------------Client Testimonials:------------ John Hardy: https://youtu.be/3YWog-suySM Rio: https://youtu.be/OxBrWO0hvko Romeo: https://youtube.com/shorts/JhS5gbcGxzc Looking to start a paid media campaign? I love connecting with business owners, so feel free to reach out to me and we can set up a discovery call where we can connect, address problems you are currently facing, and above all, see if we are a good fit! Check out my portfolio below to see a handful of some of my previous work too.

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