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Tim Glynn, Local Online Strategist

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New Technology, Traditional Values!! ► If you are looking for more customers and increasing the value of existing customers, then let’s talk. ► If creating powerful profitable lasting relationships interests you, then let's talk. ► If you need Simple Marketing Strategies that deliver Measurable Results, then let's talk. ► And if Automating all of the above means you have more time to do the things you love, then you guessed it, let's talk. You can schedule a time here - https://askadodo.link/meet Technology changes nothing, but improves everything. Today, we are seeing one of the greatest technological shifts in business that helps small businesses compete globally, if they wish to. At Adodo, we simply add strategies and processes that help you sell more to more customers, profitably. Whilst every business is unique customer acquisition is universal. WHY SHOULD YOU HIRE ADODO CONSULTANCY TO HELP YOU GROW? • We deliver complex solutions, to complex problems in a simple manner • We lead from the front • We focus on activity to get results BUT WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? • We will help promote your reputation. • We will extend your reach in attracting more business. • Together we will create more opportunities for your customers to buy from you. • We will increase the number of referrals you receive. • We’ve made the mistakes so you don’t have to. What to do next: If any of the above rings a bell with you then simply communicate with me https://askadodo.link/meet WHY AM I HERE ON LINKEDIN? • To grow our community of active, intelligent and generous B2B networkers. • To offer our services & advice. • To meet interesting people who want to make a difference. If you have questions or want to connect, communicate with me by simply dropping me a message or scheduling some time on my calendar https://askadodo.link/meet. Specialties: Strategic Marketing for SMEs, Surviving as an SME, Leadership, Reputation Marketing, Business Communications.

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