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I am an Artificial Intelligence Developer at Unified Software Solutions, working on P.A.U.L. I have more than 3 years of experience in this role, building, training, testing, cutting-edge AI models such as Transformers, convolutional neural networks with variational autoencoders (CNN-VAE) and recurrent neural networks with mixture density networks (RNN-MDN). I leverage my skills in FastAPI, communication, and investment decisions to deliver scalable and robust solutions using AWS, GCP, Azure, and IBM cloud platforms. I am always enhancing my knowledge and in this field. Before joining Unified Software Solutions, I was a Financial Advisor and a Vice President at J.P. Morgan, managing a portfolio of $35 million and providing strategic investment advice and risk management for high-net-worth clients. I hold the Series 63 and 65 licenses issued by FINRA, and I have a certificate in Professional Selling Skills from AchieveGlobal. I am a driven lifelong learner with a passion for business and technology. I enjoy helping people and businesses find solutions to increase sales, cut cost, and increase revenue. I am interested in making a major impact on companies as well as my community. If you would like to bounce ideas off of me, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or message me here.

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