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Tina Gaskell, MA, LCPC, CPHQ

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Clinician, CEO, at Worklife+. Worklife+ provides working practices, backed by science, for workplace wellness that boost engagement and productivity. With over 20 years of experience as a Change Agent, Consultant, and C Suite Advisor, I have a distinctive edge as a Licensed Clinician with deep understanding of the science behind human behavior and change. My mission is to create healthy workplaces and lives by infusing neuroscience and positive psychology into organizational dynamics, creating transformative change, resilience, and accelerating results. At Worklife+, I collaborate with a talented team of experts to deliver eLearning, workshops, and coaching programs that enhance human full potential, organizational cultures, and business outcomes. We leverage data and science to design and implement evidence-based solutions that elevate engagement, productivity, and well-being. Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies to startups, across various industries and sectors. We are on a quest to make work and lives better, and to create Wellthier Workplaces TM.

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