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Post Production Supervisor, Executive and Producer with extensive list of credits. 18-year tenure at Nu Image/Millennium Films including 12 years as Head of Post Production. Directly supervised post on many feature films, overseeing supervisors and coordinators on many more. On-screen credits range from Post Production Supervisor/Executive in Charge of Post Production to Associate Producer, Producer, and Executive Producer. Most recently produced the family-in-peril feature "Destruction: Los Angeles," and wrote the comic book series "The Time Traveler's Guide To Dating," which is available on Comixology. Extensive knowledge of film and digital workflows (2D & 3D, HDR & 4K), schedules and budgets. Suitable candidate for producing, facility operations, or high level strategic planning. Prior to entry into post, worked as network administrator at Castle Rock Entertainment and as a computer consultant at Imagine Films, providing an excellent technical background for the post production field. Member of Producers Guild of America.

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