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Tofunwa Toyinbo's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Tofunwa Toyinbo

Tofunwa Toyinbo

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I've been in the design space for 2+ years now. My key skills include visual design, quick design turnover, and my ability to communicate my process effectively with both clients and in-house stakeholders. I am self co-ordinated and able to handle repeated tasks; I have led projects from start to finish, and have also been involved in working with a team. I have been involved in creative direction, style guide creation, and have touched virtually every major area of Web and UI Design at one point or the other. I recently took a dive into the No-code world, and am currently gaining mastery of Webflow. I have built 20+ interactions, and currently I am in the middle of learning Wized. Give me a year or two, and this profile will also include "Webflow Expert". I am currently open to Webflow Developer and Web Designer freelance collaborations and roles. Reach out: [email protected]

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