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Tomas Bumbulevičius

open on linkedin

Problem solver who brings a valuable combination of strong visual sense and technical knowledge. Degrees in Multimedia and Informatics helped me to develop a critical thinking and attention to the details, while a wealth of experience working with clients allowed to further enhance my skills. Motion graphics design & animation is my main strive for years, yet workflow automation and scripting became daily drivers as well. I am a storyteller – able to take any concept, give substance to the story and bring it to life in a complete motion graphics display, from A to Z. From my early days I attended basketball school and kept chasing a vision of reaching pro level, both physically and mentally. Even though this desire haven't hit its ultimate goal, ambition for improvement remains coded for life. Always seeking for new challenges and goals to chase - this keeps me alive. If you are looking for reasoned and details oriented professional in videos, as wide as imagination can cover - chances are high that the search is over. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you managed to reach the last line of this description. Let's keep the interest!

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