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When I was a little boy I always loved creating, designing and building things, in fact the first ever Christmas present I can remember was a Lego set. And as I got older I remember spending hours watching my dad restore cars and repair everything, even when not broken. I guess these are the reasons why I have always dreamt of working as a designer and engineer. After first watching Star Wars all I wanted to do was design spaceships and land speeders, after reading about Iron Man I sought to be the next “Tony Stark”. Nowadays though I see things slightly more realistically and I have come to realise that design isn’t divided into separate branches, it has no boundaries at all, and I wish to learn and apply as many aspects as possible to the projects I work on. I now have a masters degree in Robotic engineering from the University of Reading, UK; gained a lot of experience working with electrical systems companies, kickstarter ventures and web design companies; and travelled to a variety of places worldwide. With 4 years of advanced educational experience and a great variety of working experience, I have progressed a long way. I love being a creative and disruptive mind, I am a willing and quick learner, and most importantly I love innovative thinking. I am still learning new skills, experiencing new things and achieving more and more all the time. I have experienced so many different areas of engineering and programming. Full-stack development, scrum mastery, growth hacking, no matter the challenge or the angle I will commit myself to it and learn everything I can from it. Engineering is my hobby and creation is my passion.

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