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Tom Trush

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At the end of 2004, I escaped my job as a newsroom editor with a simple goal: Change how companies communicate. Since then, I’ve… ✅ Written thousands of pieces of direct-response marketing copy for growth-oriented companies. ✅ Authored 3 books on marketing for entrepreneurs and executives. ✅ Consulted for several of the nation’s fastest-growing businesses. ✅ Generated millions in revenue for leaders in 40+ industries. If you’re here, you likely have at least 1 of 3 challenges: 1. Your marketing doesn’t work the way you want. 2. You struggle to differentiate what you offer from competitors. 3. You don’t have strategies you can depend on to convert prospects into clients. The good news is, these are all fixable issues when you have the right copy and marketing methods. You benefit from these advantages when you work with me. (See what my clients say at www.tomtrush.com.) I craft copy that positions you as an industry authority, so you reach larger audiences with less effort. By doing so, you also see higher returns on your marketing investments. At the same time, I apply lessons learned from successful campaigns to uncover new opportunities for growth in your company. This can be in the form of greater engagement, market share or revenue. Here are my books: ➡️ Escape the Expected: The Secret Psychology of Selling to Today’s Skeptical Consumers ➡️ The “You” Effect: How to Transform Ego-Based Marketing Into Captivating Messages That Create Customers ➡️ The Reluctant Writer’s Guide to Creating Powerful Marketing Materials: 61 Easy Ideas to Attract Prospects and Get More Customers Outside of work, you can usually find me running trails somewhere in the Phoenix area. Want to discuss driving new growth in your company? Send me a message here on LinkedIn. 💻 www.tomtrush.com 💻 www.predictableprofits.com

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