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My name is Tracey Taaibosch and I completed both my Diploma and Advanced Diploma at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. One of the proudest academic achievements was to pass my diploma with "Cum Laude" status. I am a dedicated student and always strive to excel in both the classroom and workplace simultaneously. I was the class representative for the preceding four years of studying which means I was the liaison between lecturers and students and managing conflicting and ensuring effective and smooth communication always. I have excellent leadership skills and students who has worked with me can attest to this , especially lecturers. I am passionate about learning and developing and nurturing my skills as a HR Professional. I currently have two years HR experience within the employee relations field , mainly administrative in nature dealing with a variety of tasks including , grievance handling, misconduct and disputes. I have also acquired skills within the service benefits and recruitment and selection. Including capturing various forms of leave on Persal, claim forms, Sunday and overtime etc. I am passionate and eager to start my new journey and look forward to add value. I am advocate for continuous learning and development. Furthermore I am currently completing my postgrad honors at UWC.

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