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Tracy McCormick-Mayhue

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Over the past fifteen years, Tracy has applied her demonstrated expertise in leveraging the power of co-creation in designing, developing, leading, and collaboratively implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) programs supporting student and educator wellbeing. Tracy brings an interdisciplinary lens to the science of teaching and learning and its relationship to academic achievement and whole-child well-being to serve all learners through a strengths-based approach. She understands the challenge of sustaining SEL-based inclusion initiatives that connect student voice, agency, and equity practices to academic growth and success. Tracy believes it is essential that we frame the real-world benefits of SEL and equity efforts through the lens of our shared beliefs and values while valuing a wide range of cultural strengths and perspectives in order to build diverse communities strong enough to attain significant change. Upon relocating to Texas in 2019, Tracy launched an Austin-based consulting service where she led the St. Austin Catholic School team collaboration in their strategic vision, planning, and development of a Transformative Whole Child Learning Initiative. Additionally, she led communities of practice in conducting data analysis related to discipline outcomes in order to rectify disproportionality and disparities. The team integrated a compassionate discipline approach aligned with a robust accountability and support model promoting trusting student-teacher relationships Prior to her move to Texas, Tracy served in the Los Angeles Archdiocese with St. Anastasia Catholic School where she oversaw all social-emotional programming for students, faculty, and parents and led the school-wide implementation of RULER, a CASEL SELect social-emotional learning approach out of Yale’s Center for Emotional Intelligence. In conjunction with implementing RULER programming, Tracy piloted and taught the middle school Advisory program and taught a middle school Mindfulness course. Tracy also partnered with Loyola Marymount University’s (LMU) Family of Schools department to develop, design, and teach a first-of-its-kind middle school Cultural Competency elective where she applied a place-based, ethnographic learning pedagogy to affirm identity while centering the diverse lived experiences of her students. Tracy continues designing for and presenting at national and local professional development sessions and workshops, most recently co-presenting at California State University’s Center to Close the Opportunity Gap, Educator Summit 2021.

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