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Dr. Fouad M. Alame's Linkedin Analytics

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Transform yourself, your team and your workplace to higher performing, and feel more fulfilled as a leader. 👉 Here’s a bit about me and how I can help you: â–º I went from being a failing and unfulfilled leader to inspiring and transforming thousands of leaders all over the world. â–º I am the author of 3 books including the bestselling leadership guide "Inspire Your People" and the founder and host of Change Your Company Podcast. â–º My passion is about driving higher performance and creating inspiring workplaces. I developed a simple framework that allows any leader to build commitment and momentum to transform business results and improve the collaboration, the motivation, and the capabilities of their people. â–º I have helped senior executives and leaders from all over the world in 5 different industries implement this framework which led to transformational KPI results in their people and business. â–º Talking Transformation, my work is considered unique globally to drive deep positive change simultaneously in the people and the business. 👉 How we can collaborate: 1. Alame Accelerator Programs: Tailor made programs which can help companies improve business results and transform their people capabilities from day one through experiential engaging journeys and the Alame MyAccelerator App. 2. Inspire Your People Coaching: One-on-one coaching journey focused on developing junior to mid level leaders' inspirational leadership skills. It will help you elevate your people leadership capabilities to a completely new level. 3. Change Your Company Advisory: One-on-One strategic session for mid to senior leaders to help you transform your workplace and people and drive positive change at speed and scale. 👉 Ready to take your leadership capabilities and team to the next level? DM me with the word "TRANSFORM" Or Email me on: [email protected]

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