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Trinath Choubey

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Hey There, 👉 Are you a Renovation/Interior Design Business looking to secure 3-5 new “dream home” contracts every month? 👉 Struggling to reach the billion dollar market of new millennial homeowners who almost exclusively use online platforms to find business? 👉 Tired of throwing money away on platforms like HomeAdvisor and Thumbtack that have no interest in supporting your business or getting you results? 👉Feel like online marketing platforms have done nothing but flood the bidding pool with unqualified contractors and consumers who don’t understand your business? ...If so, then keep reading! My name’s Trinath Choubey, the founder of Next Ladder. I help remodeling contractors predictably acquire 3-5 new high ticket contracts every single month. ❓ How do we do it? Through our Simple Addition System, we provide an easy yet ridiculously effective solution to home remodeling contract acquisition. We give you the tools to have you easily found by people looking for remodelers online, use that to dominate your market, and DRAMATICALLY increase your monthly revenue. Our team uses automated systems and processes to shift large groups of truly informed consumers away from HomeAdvisor and Angie’s List, to take advantage of our QUALITY remodeling partners. The entire process is done for you, so you have more time to focus on your home renovation business while we provide a steady stream of 3-5 contract offers per month (at least!). 👇🏻This is why remodelers love working with us: ✅ No more impersonal online marketing platforms that don’t guarantee contracts. ✅ No more working with consumers who don’t understand your business. ✅ No more relying on word of mouth and online reviews, ineffective strategies and even NEGATIVE for reasons that aren’t your fault. ✅ No more relying on chance to secure online contracts. 📈 Interested? We currently have limited availability for remodelers looking to guarantee AT LEAST 3-5 quality, high ticket contracts per month. If you’re interested, shoot me a message here on LinkedIn and we’ll schedule a time for a FREE 15-minute strategy session. We’ll chat about your business, your goals, current marketing struggles, and lay out an EXACT plan-of-attack for you to rapidly grow your business. So if you’re interested, shoot me a message here on LinkedIn or reach out to me via email at [email protected]

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