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Tsvetelina Yaneva's Linkedin Analytics

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Tsvetelina Yaneva

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As an Employment Advisor at Ingeus, I help jobseekers find and sustain meaningful work that matches their skills, interests, and aspirations. With over 10 years of experience in the hospitality industry and studying towards CIPD qualification in Human Resources Management and Services, I have a strong understanding of the labour market, employer needs, and employee rights and responsibilities. My core competencies include stakeholder engagement, employee engagement, and training. I excel at building and maintaining relationships with employers, partners, and clients, and providing them with tailored support and guidance. I also design and deliver workshops and coaching sessions to enhance the employability skills and confidence of jobseekers. Additionally, I leverage my multilingual skills in English, Russian, and Bulgarian to communicate effectively with diverse audiences and overcome cultural barriers. My mission is to empower people to achieve their career goals and contribute to the social and economic development of their communities.

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