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Tushar Agrawal

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I am an entrepreneur and a writer, driven by my passion for storytelling and digital marketing. I founded ACHOOK, a digital marketing agency that helps businesses achieve their marketing goals through innovative and effective strategies. At ACHOOK, I lead a team of talented professionals who specialize in personal branding, LinkedIn marketing, lead generation, SEO, content strategy, storytelling, content writing, graphic design, and Google ads. We have worked with clients from various industries and sectors, delivering results that exceed their expectations. In addition to running ACHOOK, I am also a part-time scriptwriter, working on my first book that I hope to publish soon. I enjoy creating engaging and captivating stories that resonate with readers and inspire them to think differently. Writing is not only a hobby for me, but also a way of expressing myself and sharing my vision with the world. I am looking for opportunities to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share my passion and vision, and who can contribute to our mission at ACHOOK. I am also open to feedback and suggestions that can help me improve my skills and grow as a professional. Let's get in touch and see how we can work together.

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